Southern California Drug Take Back Day

So Cal Drug Take Back Day

For those of you who are looking to do some Fall cleaning, all Southern California residents will be able to take your old prescription medication to nearby local government buildings or police departments this Saturday, 10/29/11, for disposal.

A large percentage of drug abuse cases, drug arrests and accidental drug-related incidents come from unused prescriptions from family or friends that lay around the house.

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times noted that, according to The Partnership for a Drug Free America, estimates that 2,500 U.S. teens each day use prescription drugs to get high for the first time.

To find you local take back collection site, visit the Drug Enforcement Agency’s website.

Possession prescription drugs without a valid prescription, can subject you to criminal charges under both the Penal Code and Health and Safety Codes. Because Los Angeles City and County are serious about enforcing drug-related offenses, they take these charges seriously.

If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug-related offense, it is important to contact an attorney immediately.

Contact Attorney Ross Erlich at (818) 783-5700 for a free consultation and for other drug-diversion resources.