Jail or no jail? The choice may now soon be yours

The California State Senate approved a bill this week that would make it easier for people convicted of DUIs and other low-level misdemeanors to reduce jail time, and in some cases, avoid jail altogether. This is a further example of California’s need to deal with over crowded jails and a shrinking budget to house those inmates.

AB 2127 would allow Sheriff Departments to give people convicted of these offenses credit towards their jail time (and possibly work release time) through participation in educational programs, job training, parenting and substance-abuse classes.

This is, of course, good news for anyone who has been arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or other low-level misdemeanors such as assault, battery, petty theft, hit and run and numerous other violations. While the exact details, and certainty of passage, is not yet final, this bill would provide criminal defense attorney’s with a greater arsenal of tools to keep client’s out of jail and with their families.

The bill was passed by a vote of 21-14, but goes back to the State Assembly for approval of other amendments added onto the bill.

If you or someone you know has been arrested for DUI, petty theft, assault and battery, hit and run or any other misdemeanor in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills or in the Airport Court, contact attorney Ross Erlich as soon as possible. Getting in touch with the prosecutor before any charges are filed can help obtain the most favorable result for you.

Contact Los Angeles Defense attorney Ross Erlich here.

Posted in DUI