Labor Day DUI Arrests Up From Last Year

According to the California Highway Patrol, more people were arrested for driving under the influence this Labor Day weekend than they were last year. The CHP made 259 such arrests from 6 p.m. Friday to 6 a.m. Monday, up from 227 the year before. This number does not include those arrests made by the LAPD, LA County Sheriff or any other law enforcement agency.

If you or someone you know where arrested for DUI in Los Angeles County, Beverly Hills, Mid City, Metropolitan LA or near the Airport, it is important that you contact Attorney Ross Erlich within the first 10 days to stop the DMV from automatically suspending your license without a hearing. Additionally, it can be beneficial to take proactive steps in the early stages of a case to help limit the impact of criminal charges brought against you.

Remember, if you have been arrested or cited by law enforcement in Beverly Hills, the Mid City area, near the Airport, or anywhere in Metropolitan Los Angeles, you need to consult criminal attorney Ross Erlich at (323) 222-4529.

Posted in DUI