Shoplifting Incident Turns Violent

4 teenage boys and girls were arrested in a shoplifting incident at a Ralphs market in Costa Mesa that turned violent on Tuesday.  Police describe the teenagers as being “uncooperative and hostile.”

When the first police officer arrived to the location, he observed a teenage boy and girl fighting with the Ralphs security employee near a cash register.  The police officer separated the girl and put her in handcuffs away from the group.  As he was doing so, the other teenage girl crept up behind the officer and attempted to take his gun out of his holster.

Just by chance, an off-duty sheriff’s deputy happened to be shopping in the store and assisted the police officer by restraining this second teenage girl.  Another male suspect punched the police officer in the face and then the whole thing turned into a wrestling match.  Eventually the police officer’s won and everyone was arrested.

All of the melee was caused when the teenagers allegedly tried to steal liquor from the market.

What started off as simple petty theft charges now leave these teens facing assault and battery on a police officer and resisting arrest charges, in addition to the petty theft.

Do not make the same mistake these teens did and try to either resist arrest or make any statements to security personnel or law enforcement.  Many times people believe they can “talk their way out of it” and we are still waiting to see an instance when that has worked.  In addition, any statements that you make when trying to talk your way out of an arrest can, and will, be used against you during your court case.

Petty theft charges are charges that can manageable.  Oftentimes, depending on whether or not there are prior convictions, attorney Ross Erlich can get the charges reduced, dropped or dismissed after a civil compromise.  There also might be the option of a deferred sentence whereby a plea is taken, the defendant takes and completes some theft classes, and comes back to get the charges dismissed.

Remember, petty theft is a misdemeanor here in Los Angeles and is punishable by a maximum of up to 6 months in jail, a $1,000 fine or both.

If you or someone you know has been arrested for petty theft in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, or anywhere within Los Angeles County, contact attorney Ross Erlich 24/7 for a free case consultation.

Driver In Fatal San Fernando Valley Hit-And-Run Turns Himself In

A man suspected of driving the vehicle that struck and killed a man using a walker turned himself into police on Monday afternoon with his attorney.

According to police, the victim was a man in his 40s who was walking on Ventura Boulevard near Gaviota, outside of a crosswalk, in the early morning hours when he was stuck by the suspect’s SUV.  Police allege the suspect then fled northbound on Haskell Avenue.

The suspect turned himself into the LAPD’s Valley Traffic Division later in the day with his attorney and was booked and being held on felony hit-and-run charges.  His bail was set at $50,000.

If you have been involved in, or arrested for, a hit-and-run in Los Angeles, I would recommend first reading our office’s previous blog detailing what are the first steps to take and how to protect yourself.  It is important to know that you are under no obligation to make any statements to the police without having your attorney present.  Remembering this fact, and actually following this advice, has helped prevent criminal charges from ever being filed against many of our office’s clients.  It is just as important to know that if you are cooperative (through your attorney, of course) with law enforcement, there can be ways to resolve the matter outside of the courtroom.

Felony hit-and-run charges are much more serious.  There is the possibility of state prison time, a felony conviction on your criminal record and a significant impact on your California driver’s license.

If you or someone you know has been involved in, or arrested for, a hit-and-run in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Torrance, Hollywood, Santa Monica, Culver City, Pasadena or Van Nuys, contact attorney Ross Erlich today for a free consultation and case evaluation.  Making a call early in the process just may end up saving you from criminal charges.

Encino Doctor Pleads Not Guilty To Drug Charges

An Encino doctor being accused of illegally selling prescription drugs pleaded not guilty on Tuesday in Los Angeles’ Downtown Criminal Courts Building.

The doctor, an internal medicine specialist, runs an urgent care clinic and has been charged with 11 felony counts of unlawfully prescribing drugs, including many popular narcotic painkillers.  The doctor was, allegedly, prescribing these drugs to patients, and undercover agents from the California Medical Board, without performing required exams first.

Essentially, it is being alleged that this doctor sold and prescribed these drugs to undercover agents for no medical reason.  It is not against the law for doctors to prescribe these drugs, but the prescription needs to be for a legitimate medical purpose.

The doctor was released from jail on $80,000 bail and faces more than 7 years in state prison if convicted on all counts.  Furthermore, the doctor faces administrative proceedings and the possible loss of his medical license from the California Medical Board.

If you or someone you know has been charged with a crime and holds a professional license with the state, it is important to contact an attorney as early as possible.  You can expect to get a notification from the licensing agency saying they are aware of some incident and, in all likelihood, pursue their own disciplinary proceedings.  In other words, you will have to fight in court and with the state licensing agency.

For doctors, lawyers, nurses and other state-licensee’s, losing your license or having a disciplinary matter on your record can have a severe impact on your professional and ability to earn income.  Contact attorney Ross Erlich as soon as possible so that he create good lines of communication between you and the state agency in an effort to prevent any professional implications.

If you have been charged with a misdemeanor or felony in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Beverly Hills, Culver City, Santa Monica, Pasadena or anywhere throughout the county, contact Ross Erlich 24/7 for a free consultation and case evaluation.