Los Angeles County Probation Department Has Problems With GPS

The Los Angeles County Probation Department has admitted that they have lost track of some ex-convicts for days, and even weeks, at a time because of problems they have had with their GPS electronic monitoring system. LA County Probation Department Chief Powers said that while the county’s flawed GPS monitoring is an example of not to implement such a system, they are currently working to address and fix the problems.  Powers said the Probation Department found issues with the private provider around equipment failures, offenders being placed into inactive status without consultation of the Department and non-compliance of the hookup requirements of placing offenders’ equipment on within 24 hours. Another issue the Probation Department cited were the up to 20,000 alerts received each day, many of which were for low battery, blind spots and other minor or non-relevant alerts.

On top of that, any time there was an alert, each probation officer in the County was notified, even if they were not working the alert area. GPS monitoring can be a preferential alternative to county jail time for both people convicted of crimes and law enforcement.  The County makes sure that offenders are being monitored and it reduces jail overcrowding while the offender gets to remain out of jail and, in many instances, able to work and take care of family. If you or someone you know has been arrested, charged with or being investigated for a crime, contact attorney Ross Erlich ASAP.  Handling you or your loved one’s case the right way from the beginning can make all the difference in the world.  As you may have seen from this article, there are a number of ways to resolve your case that DO NOT involve going to jail or losing your job. Contact attorney Ross Erlich today to discuss the possibilities of probation in LA County and other alternatives to pleading guilty.

Actress Charged In West Hollywood Bar Fight Pleads Not Guilty

Crystal Hunt, a soap opera actress known for her roles on “One Life to Live” and “Guiding Light”, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon for allegedly throwing a drinking glass at a woman’s face during a bar fight.

The 28 year old actress allegedly threw a pint glass at the woman’s face, causing cuts and minor injuries, inside of a West Hollywood bar on December 13 of last year.  Hunt pleaded not guilty and is due back later this month in the Airport Courthouse.

If you have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon (ADW), it is important that you take this charge seriously.  An ADW charge can carry potential state prison time, large fines and a violent offense strike on your record pursuant to California’s “three strikes” law.

You might be asking yourself “what now?” if you have just bailed out of jail or are currently awaiting your first court appearance.  Well, as in the case above, many “ADWs” are charged when there is a fight and some kind of object is used to hurt or injure the victim and that object could potentially cause great bodily injury.  In the case above, a pint glass, as you could imagine, has the potential to cause severe injury to someone if it is thrown at their head.  Many “bar fights” that result in an arrest get charged as assaults with a deadly weapon, but are often able to be reduced through a plea deal if you have an aggressive defense attorney.

An assault with a deadly weapon is considered a “wobbler.”  This means the prosecutor can charge the offense as either a felony or a misdemeanor.  Attorney Ross Erlich regularly contacts the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office and speaks to prosecutors prior to the official filing.  This can allow for the presentation of facts that are favorable for clients and can help in getting the charge filed as a misdemeanor.

There are many other ways to resolve an assault with a deadly weapon so contact Attorney Ross Erlich today or 24/7 for a free case evaluation.