New Pilot Program In San Fernando Valley Gives Tougher Penalties For Pimps, Diversion For Johns
In an effort to combat the age-old problem with prostitution and the victims associated with this conduct, the Los Angeles City Council approved a program that provides counseling and assistance to prostitutes and counseling sessions to johns, with tougher penalties sought for against pimps.
The City mentioned the problem of trying to “arrest their way out of” the prostitution problem instead of dealing with it as a quality-of-life issue and trying to address the root cause of prostitution while seeking to inform johns of the dangers.
Deputy City Attorney Richard Schmidt, who handles City Attorney matters in the Van Nuys Courthouse, agreed with this new pilot program and mentioned that the Central Division has been seeking to do this already through diversion programs for prostitution first offenders.
If you have been arrested for pimping or for solicitation of prostitution, there are many different channels of resolving this matter. Diversion programs are available in certain situations and in certain courthouses, while tougher consequences may exist for those who have had a prior offense, who might have had narcotics in their possession or for those people who law enforcement believed to be “pimping” these women. Depending on the circumstances and prior criminal record, Attorney Ross Erlich may be able to to get the case dismissed and/or prevent any criminal conviction from appearing on your record.
If you have been arrested or given a citation for solicitation of prostitution for the Van Nuys Courthouse, San Fernando Courthouse or East Los Angeles Courthouse, contact Attorney Ross Erlich before your first court date for a free case consultation and to know your rights.