Los Angeles County Thanksgiving DUI Arrests Rise During 2011

DUI arrests were up this Thanksgiving weekend 7 percent when compared to this same time a year ago, CHP officals reported.

As of this past Saturday, there had been a total of 200 DUI arrests made in Los Angeles County, compared to just 182 a year ago. While no deaths were reported in Los Angeles County so far this year, the CHP noted that 14 deaths have been reported throughout the state since Thursday.

If you have been arrested for DUI in Los Angeles County or the Mid City area, contact Attorney Ross Erlich as soon as possible to set up a free consultation and to protect your rights and license privileges before it is too late. Attorney Ross Erlich handles matters in the Los Angeles Metro Courthouse, the Beverly Hills Courthouse and all other courts in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties

Posted in DUI

Lindsay Lohan Back at Airport Courthouse Today

Lohan Gets Jail Time at Airport Court, Again.

Good news for Lindsay Lohan, she gets to stay out of jail – for now. Lohan was due back at Airport Courthouse today to face Judge Stephanie Sautner for her probation violation hearing stemming from her failure to remain current with court-mandated probation terms and conditions.

Lohan admitted the violation to Judge Sautner who decided that Lohan must serve 12 working days at the Los Angeles County morgue and attend four, 45-minute therapy sessions by December 14. Lohan will have to keep up the counseling and additional morgue days thereafter. Furthermore, Judge Sautner ordered Lohan to serve 30 days in county jail, starting November 9. Lohan will likely only serve a handful of days, at most, due to overcrowding at county jail.

Lohan is not making things easy for her defense team, who seem to be keeping Lohan’s criminal exposure to a minimum, while having to juggle multiple obligations to the court as terms of her probation.

If you have been charged with a crime and have violated probation as a result, it is important to contact an attorney as soon as possible. There may be options to minimize additional terms and conditions of your probation if steps are taken before your court date.

If you would like to speak to Attorney Ross Erlich regarding any case at Airport Courthouse or anywhere else in Los Angeles County, please contact the office at (818) 783-5700 or ross@4criminaldefense.com.

No Vacancy

The Los Angeles County jail system could run out of vacancy as early as next month due to the new practice known as “realignment.”

The State of California, under direction from the United States Supreme Court, has instituted this new policy of realignment to deal with the overcrowding in state prison. Under this new approach, as many as 8,000 state prisoners – those with non-serious and non-violent convictions – will be transferred and serve their sentence in county jails.

Considering this new influx of state prisoners into county jails, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is looking at ways to deal with the increase in population, including electronic monitoring, house arrest and other non-custody alternatives. Another strategy the Department is considering is having those charged with drug offenses enter into a sober living or other substance abuse education programs instead of in jail custody.

It comes down to simple math. With funding for only an additional 1,800 beds, inmates will be released earlier and have more options to earn custody credits.

If you have been charged with a crime in the City of Los Angeles, near LAX airport or in Beverly Hills, it is important to contact Attorney Ross Erlich for a free consultation and to discuss what your options are. Due to the overcrowding in County Jail, there are many, less severe, options to resolve your case and obtain a favorable result for you.